That Blue Square Thing

CD Cover - a Photoshop project

Making a CD cover.

Project briefs

Progressively more detailed. I haven't added in details of the band etc... on the last one yet - not sure if I want to or not.

PDF iconBrief 1

PDF iconBrief 2

PDF iconBrief 3

PDF iconBrief 4

PDF iconBrief 5 – my final brief

PDF icon2023 Brief

Assets table:

Word file iconAssets table

Part A – Black and White

This part might be a lesson, it might be less, it might be more. It will depend on the skills the children come with.

This is about teaching skills, not making the CD cover.

PDF iconIntro slides 1

PDF iconOrder of work 1

PDF iconTools 1

Skills guides:

PDF iconSquare crop

PDF iconBlack and White

PDF iconAdding Text

Images to use:

Image iconShouting man image

Image iconStudents image

And a gallery task to keep adding to:

PDF iconGallery task – to keep adding to

Part B – Using Colour

Different ways to use colour effectively. Quite possibly more than one lesson here.

PDF iconIntro slides 2

PDF iconOrder of work 2

PDF iconTools 2

PDF iconBrush Tools only

Skills guides:

PDF iconColour sliders – Hue and Saturation

PDF iconColour filters

Images to use:

Image iconFootball badge image – use for Hue and Sat

Image iconFerry image – use for Hue and Sat

Image iconWind turbines image – use for Hue and Sat

Image iconDucks image – use for Hue and Sat and Sel colour

Image iconTree on beach – use for coloured sky

Image iconStudents on steps image – use for colour filters

A fill-in task taking one image and showing how it's developed.

PDF iconCreating an Image

Part C – More Colour – Selective colour and Overlays

The colour stuff may be two lessons. I added these skills in to do something a bit different in the second one.

PDF iconIntro slides 3

PDF iconOrder of work 3

Skills guides:

PDF iconColour overlays

Images to use:

Image iconHead image – image by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas from Pexels used with the Pexels license (May 2022 – close to open source)

Image iconRainbow flag image – image by Sharon McCutcheon from Unsplash used with the Unsplash license (May 2022 – close to open source)

Part D – Combining Images

Creating images made up of more than one image. This still needs some thinking about.

PDF iconIntro slides 4

PDF iconOrder of work 4

Skills guides:

PDF iconCombining images instructions

PDF iconCombining images slide

Images to use:

Image iconBeach and Tree image

Image iconDucks image

Image iconBoat image

Image iconHelicopter image

There are some other skills on the More Photoshop Skills page.

Part E – Combine Skills

A challenge.

PDF iconSlides from class

PDF iconTask

Images to use:

Image iconSpace background image – image by Aldebaran S from Unsplash used with the Unsplash license (May 2023 – close to open source)

Image iconFlying saucer image 1 – image by Roses_Street from Pixabay used with the Pixabay license (May 2023 – close to open source)

Image iconFlying saucer image 2 – image by Peter-Lomas from Pixabay used with the Pixabay license (May 2023 – close to open source)

Image iconAstronaut image 1 – image by Brian McGowan from Unsplash used with the Unsplash license (May 2023 – close to open source)

Image iconAstronaut image 2 – image by Niketh Vellanki from Unsplash used with the Unsplash license (May 2023 – close to open source)

Image iconSpaceship image – image by Jeremy Straub from Unsplash used with the Unsplash license (May 2023 – close to open source)

Image iconEarth image – image taken by the crew of Apollo 17 in 1972 and published by NASA. Public domain. This version downloaded from Wikimedia Commons

Image iconSaturn image – image taken as part of the Cassini mission to Saturn in 2008 and published by NASA. Public domain. This version downloaded from Wikimedia Commons

Making the CD Cover

Lesson 1 – plans

PDF iconProject brief

PDF iconOrder of Work – lesson 1

PDF iconDesign sheet

Lesson 2 – sourcing images

PDF iconOrder of Work – lesson 2

PDF iconSourcing images

PDF iconCopyright

There's a template to use. At 300 ppi. Prints at the right size.

Photoshop image iconCD Cover template (300 ppi)

Lesson 3 – working

This is working on stuff.

PDF iconOrder of Work – lesson 3

Lesson 4 – logo

Making a record company logo.

PDF iconOrder of Work – lesson 4 – logo

PDF iconVector graphics – theory slides

PDF iconExample record company logos

PDF iconRecord company logo task

PDF iconThe Tip – how to centre the circles

PDF iconSimple record company logo instructions

PDF iconComplex record company logo BRIEF instructions

PDF iconComplex record company logo FULL instructions

Lesson 5/6 – back cover & completion

Back cover and completion

PDF iconBack cover ideas

PDF iconOrder of Work – lesson 5/6