This is an archived page. It's probably got quite a lot of old stuff on it and may be quite out of date.
Game Designers Workshop
This is based on the BAFTA Game Designing thing. I'm using some of their resources and hosting them here until I can work my way around this.
The aim is to think about different types of games and get some ideas about terminology associated with them.
1 – Different types of games
What are they?
What do you play? – intro brainstorm
There's a video on BAFTA's YouTube channel.
Vocab questions – from the video
A game – BAFTA sheet
2 – Goals and Genres
Some definitions of terms and thinking about more games.
There's a Scratch game that can be explored:
3 – Random Game Remix
A way of creating a random game design.
Here's the random generator
4 – Pacmania
Needs a better name.