That Blue Square Thing

This is an archived page. It's probably got quite a lot of old stuff on it and may be quite out of date.

HTML using Divs and Styles

More advanced HTML with a project brief.

PDF iconThe project brief

The list of jobs to do comes in handy:

PDF iconJobs to do

Using Divs and Styles

Some theory first, with a wireframe.

PDF iconUsing Divs

And then the guides:

PDF iconStep 1 – Set up the wireframe

PDF iconStep 2 – Adding styles

PDF iconStep 3 – Styling the mainbox

PDF iconStep 4 – From page to site

A banner needs to be made between step 1 and step 2.

PDF iconMaking a banner

Image iconExample banner

There are some images to use on the banner.

PNG image iconGlobe image – this must be used in the banner

JPG image iconBoat image

JPG image iconCamper van image

JPG image iconMap image

JPG image iconPlane image

JPG image iconTravel image

These are all copyright free images from Unsplash.

Handy link:

Website color nameswiki link