ECDL Excel
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Drawing Basic Charts
This deals with drawing bar charts (or coluns charts as Excel likes to call them), pie charts and line charts.
There are a couple of tricky things you need to be able to do, so follow the instructions carefully and work through the guides in order.
First, download the spreadsheet.
Now follow the instructions...
Bar Charts 1 - simple bar charts
Bar Charts 2 - adding axis labels (a really important skill)
Bar Charts 3 - multiple bar charts
You can use the same spreadsheet to learn how to create pie charts.
Pie Charts - simple pie charts
Producing Line Charts
To produce line charts, use a different spreadsheet.
Follow the instructions...
Line Charts - producing line charts
More Spreadsheets for Charts
You can work with the data in these spreadsheets to draw more charts.
Fishing Competition Spreadsheet
More Complex Charts
There are also guides on how to produce more complex charts such as climate charts and flood hydrographs. These aren't needed for the ECDL exam, but if you're good at using them it can only help.