Creative iMedia 2024
R094 – Visual identity and digital graphics – Portfolio Task 1
The task will be given to you on paper. Make sure you read it carefully.
The whole portfolio should take you about 12 hours to complete. This is for both Task 1 and Task 2 – Task 1 should take 5 to 6 hours. The total mark for the portfolio is out of 50.
In Task 1 you will have to:
- design a visual identity
- justify your design choices and why the visual identity is fit for purpose
- produce relevant planning documents for the required digital graphic. These will show what the graphic will look like and identify details of the assets to be used, including permissions
Make sure you include all three parts of Task 1 in your work.
There is a template you can use to help identify the assets you will use for the last part.
What the Task 1 markgrid means
The Markgrid:
There are 20 marks for Task 1. Use the markgrid to help make sure you do everything needed.
Don't forget that you can use the template below to help with the second part of the markgrid.
You are allowed to use this exam board produced template to help identify the assets you will use and their permissions.