That Blue Square Thing

Creative iMedia 2024

This page is for the new iMedia syllabus for 2024 onward. I'll be adding stuff to this section from September 2023 onwards.

R095 – Characters and comics

This is a portfolio unit. It's worth 35% of the final mark for the course.

PDF iconR095 Introduction

You'll be given the portfolio part when you're ready to do it, but not until you've been taught about characters and comics.

The portfolio part of this unit is supposed to take 12–15 hours to complete and is made up of three tasks.


There are two templates that you'll need for this unit:

These are templates produced by OCR which you are allowed to use. I'm providing them here because it's easier to do that than put them somewhere else. I'm not claiming they're mine and haven't changed them other than to make sure they download properly on a non-Windows computer...

Useful links:

These links might be helpful:

Copyright free image sources – these are high quality images that can be downloaded and used effectively