That Blue Square Thing

Creative iMedia

R094 – Visual identity and digital graphics – Portfolio Task 2

Task 2 is about making and evidencing the visual identity and the digital graphic. Make sure you read it carefully.

The whole portfolio should take you about 12 hours to complete. This is for both Task 1 and Task 2 – Task 2 should take 6 to 8 hours. The total mark for the portfolio is out of 50.

In Task 2 you will have to:

Make sure you include all four parts of Task 2 in your work.

You will need to show how your digital graphics were made. Screenshots of the tools of the image editing software being used is one way this could be done.

You need to hand in the digital files you created – one for the visual identity and two for the digital graphic product.

The Markgrid:

There are 30 marks for Task 2. Use the markgrid to help make sure you do everything needed.

R094 Markgrid - Task 2, Part A
R094 Markgrid - Task 2, Part B
R094 Markgrid - Task 2, Part C

Don't forget that you need to present screenshots to show how you used tools in the graphics editing software.