Creative iMedia
This page is part of an archive of the old iMedia spec – the one that existed until Summer 2023. People seem to find the resources helpful and I've had a number of requests to put them back online. I should think they'll stay here until I'm confident that the new spec is properly covered. Please be aware that this is out of date material and may not apply in the same way to the new iMedia syllabus.
R081 - Pre-production Skills - exam unit
Mind Maps
Mind Map Key Learning slides - slides to tell you everything you need to know
The Key Learning slides can be used to answer the questions:
Mind Map Questions - just the questions
Mind Map Workbook - the same questions with spaces for answers
Mind Map Knowledge Summary - a printable sheet which summarises the key learning from the slides
There are two quizzes you can try to test your understanding:
Quiz 1
Quiz 2 (T/F)
A good way to produce digital Mind Maps is to use MindMup, which is a tool that links in to a google account. If you don't have a google account you'll need to make sure that you download or take a print screen of the mind map. You can't save mindmup documents without an account (or download and then upload them), so make sure you do this in one go.
Examples of Mind Maps
Hand drawn mind map showing content ideas for Maths Wizards. This has all the key elements of mind maps - a central hub, nodes, sub nodes and links - and relevant content. It got high marks on a test.
Mind map showing the key elements of mind maps. Produced in MindMup.
Simple mind map showing content ideas for a band website. This has all the key elements, but is quite limited in scope. It needs more sub nodes to get higher marks. The use of colour is just for decoration and doesn't add any marks (if anything, it would take marks away).
More complex mind map showing content ideas for a band website. It has all the key elements and enough sub nodes to score full marks. Produced using MindMup
Mind map produced on a white board. It has all the key elements and makes good use of underlining to show the major nodes. It would score full marks (note that it's in German!)
You can find exam questions dealing with mind maps on the exam questions page.