Scratch Maze Game

Backdrop helper imageStep 1 – Upload the maze backdrop:

Start by uploading the maze backdrop.

  1. Click the Backdrops button at the bottom right and choose upload backdrop

    You should have downloaded this from the previous page

  2. Find the maze.jpg file and upload it

The backdrop should load just fine.

Tweak the sprite:

I'm going to be sticking with the cat sprite here.

Sprite size helper imageThe cat needs to fit through the maze, so you’ll probably have to make the sprite a little smaller

  1. Click on the sprite
  2. Change the size from 100 to a size that fits inside the maze – I used 50 at first

If you use a different sprite you’ll need to change the size carefully. For this game a "square" sprite will probably work better than a long one.


You could make your own maze background or find another one to use. That’d OK, but remember that your sprite has to fit through the maze.