Shark Fishing Game

Duplicate helper imageStep 8 – More fish

We need more fish!

  1. Right click on the fish sprite and choose duplicate

    This creates another fish with all the code already on it

    I added 7 new fish so that I ended up with 8

  2. Duplicate helper imageYou can add a purple switch costume to block at the start of the code on each fish to make sure you get a mix of different fish – you need to do this on each fish that you want to change. Make sure it goes above the Show block

There are 4 different Fish costumes, so I ended up with 2 of each fish.

Duplicating the fish gives each one a unique name. It also copies all the code, so we don't need to add the code to each fish. Which saves a lot of time.

Improving the game:

Now it's over to you to make this game better.

There's lots you could add:

What else would make this game better?