Shark Fishing Game

Size helper imageStep 4 – Add the fish

Now we'll add a fish for the shark to catch.

  1. Add a new sprite - choose the Fish sprite
  2. Resize the sprite to be about size 30

This will make the fish harder to catch.

Now get the fish to move:

Making the fish move will make it even harder to catch.

  1. Make sure you add the code on the Fish sprite, not on the Shark
  2. Use the same sort of code as you did for the shark in step 2, but have the fish move 15 steps rather than 4

    You don't want the fish to follow the mouse pointer or have it change costume

  3. Don't forget to put everything inside a Forever block
  4. Make sure the fish bounces when it gets to the edge and set the rotation style to left-right

Check this works. The fish should whizz across the screen from side to side.