Riddle me this – it's all Greek to me

Step 1 – Printing, but on the screen

Let's start by displaying the title on the screen.

When you display something on the screen in a programming language like Python we say that you print it. So, let's print (to the screen)...

Code helper image
  1. Type this code into the code window:   print("The Riddler")
  2. Press Enter to get on to a new line
  3. Check that you closed the quotes (") and the brackets. If you don't do both of those the progam won't run

It's as simple as that: every time you use print("words here") this will print those words on to the screen.

REALLY IMPORTANT: every command word (like print) in Python must be in all lower case letters. No capitals. Ever.

Save the program

Before we can check the program works, we need to save it. You have to save every time you make a change.

  1. Click File > Save As
  2. IMPORTANT: make sure you're saving in your OneDrive
  3. Call the program something like  escape
  4. Press Save

Now we can run the program and check that it works:

  1. Click Run at the top and choose Run Module

The program should run and display the words The Riddler. If it doesn't, check your line of code and then run it again.