Fun with Flags – Part 2: more flags

Step 3 – Tricolore

French flag imageThe French flag is known as the tricolore – in English "tricolour". This just means it has three colours. But this time the stripes go the other way.

Lots of flags are like this and are sometimes called a "Tricolour". The flags of Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Peru and Romania are all very similar to the French tricolore.

To get the turtle to draw a flag like this is easy. We just need to draw rectangles that are vertical, rather than horizontal.

Remember, the base flag is 180 steps wide and 120 steps tall. If we want three vertical stripes, each stripe is going to be 60 pixels wide.

Code helper imageThe basic colours here are probably:

  1. Write code to draw the French flag

    Use the notes above, the screenshot and the code from the other flags you've drawn to help

  2. Run your code to test it out
  3. If it's not quite right the first time, (it might not be - there's a classic mistake you might make here) make some changes until you get it right. Use the solution below if you're really stuck

Did you get the turtle at the right point each time?

Once you have the French flag mastered you can try other tricolour type flags.

Here's a full set of Python turtle colours (opens in a new tab).