That Blue Square Thing


ECDL is the European Computer Driving License.

Word Exam Practice Tasks

The Word exam isn't too bad, apart from the sections involving mailmerge.

Cleaner Environment:

Download the Word Document to use.

Word file iconCleaner Environment Word document

And then follow the instructions.

PDF file iconCleaner Environment tasks

PDF file iconCleaner Environment Table tasks

British Apples:

Download the Word Document to use.

Word file iconBritish Apples Word document

And then follow the instructions.

PDF file iconBritish Apples tasks

Mailmerge Tasks:

Download the Word and Excel Documents to use. Don't open these until you need them - otherwise some tasks won't work or make sense.

Word file iconWedding Letter Word document

Excel file iconAddresses Spreadsheet - for use with the Wedding Letter

Word file iconGarden Letter Word document

Word file iconCustomers Word document - for use with the Garden Letter

And then follow the instructions.

PDF file iconMail Merge tasks


Download the Word Document to use.

Word file iconPaperclip Word document

You will also need two image files:

Image file iconPaperclip 1 image

Image file iconPaperclip 2 image

And then follow the instructions.

PDF file iconPaperclip tasks