AQA Computer Science GCSE
Data Representation – Binary Maths
You need to be able to add together binary numbers and use binary shifts. Neither of these are too tricky, but you need to work on them.
Binary Addition
You need to be able to add together up to three binary numbers.
Binary Addition – how to do it
Questions to work through:
More Binary Addition Questions – questions to try in class
And some exam style questions:
Exam Style Binary Addition Questions (answers)
Binary Shifts
Binary shifts can be used to multiply and divide by factors of 2. The way questions are asked on them can be quite tricky at times.
Binary Shifts – slides from class
Binary Shifts – summary - a summary of how shifts work
Binary Shift Examples – to stick in
Here's a copy of some stuff I wrote on the board in class:
Key points about binary shifts
There are some exam questions:
Binary Shift exam questions – slides
Binary Shift exam questions – printable (answers)