That Blue Square Thing

Learning frameworkPDF icon

Year 9 Computing – CD Cover and Photoshop Skills

To start with, add your images from the last lesson to your gallery.

PDF iconGallery task - to keep adding to

Bringing skills together

Face with overlayTime to use the skills you have to put together something with some serious funk.

PDF iconSlides from class

PDF iconYour task

Here's the background image. It's already been square cropped for you.

Image iconSpace background image

You need to choose from these images. Use the ones you prefer.

Image iconFlying saucer image 1 – this is probably the best one to use

Image iconFlying saucer image 2

Image iconFlying saucer image 3

Image iconAstronaut image 1

Image iconAstronaut image 2

Image iconSpaceship image

Image iconEarth image

Image iconSaturn image

Use whichever images you want - but you must include a flying saucer and at least one other image.

Key Skills

PDF iconSquare crop

PDF iconRemoving backgrounds and combining images

PDF iconCombining images slide

PDF iconWorking with text

You can access previous lessons if you need to:

Sourcing your own images

This is tricky.

Not every image you find on the web will open in Photoshop. And lots of them will be really poor quality.

Use Unsplash to source your own images. These will all work and are really high quality images. They're also totally copyright free, which is a bonus.