Escape Room Program – Part 1: input and output

Step 7 – Doing something

Now we need to ask the player what they want to do.

They're in a room, it's dark, damp and a bit odd. What could they do first?

  1. Use a combination of  print and  input statements to ask the player what they want to do. Do this right at the bottom of your code
  2. Make sure that you store their answer in a variable. I'm going to use the variable name  action in my program, but you can use whatever variable name you want so long as it makes sense.
  3. Don't forget to add a comment.
  4. Run your code and check that it all works

Once you know how to use print and input you can easily get the player to tell you what to do next.

I used concatenation again in my program, but you don't need to do that. I just wanted to be fancy.