Quiz Program – Part 2: adding to the quiz

Adding to the Quiz

You should already have a quiz that works. Ideally with something like 5 or 6 questions. It should keep the score as well.

If you've not got all of that, go back to Part One and sort it out first.

This part is all about adding cool stuff to your quiz. Which will teach you some more programming tricks.

You don't have to do all of these additions. It's your call. Start with the simple stuff and add something more complex once you're ready to do that.


  1. Presenting the final score (easy)
  2. Asking for the user's name and then personalising messages to them (quite easy)
  3. More than one correct answer for a text question (not too hard)
  4. Giving feedback on questions (easy enough)
  5. Repeating a question (a bit harder)
  6. Questions in a random order (tricky)

Not all of these have been written up yet, but there's someone who will probably need something a bit quicker...