That Blue Square Thing

Note: this is an adapted version of the WJEC published markgrid for task 4. I prefer it in a table so I put it in one. It's freely available on the WJEC website in other ways and, of course, there is no claim on copyright here...

WJEC Level 1/2 Technical Award

Unit 2 – ICT in Context – Task 4: Image creation

Task 4 involves making a logo. There are a range of resources here that I used when I taught this task in 2024.

1 – Image file types and formats

PDF iconImage file types

PDF iconBitmap file formats – for you to use

PDF iconImage investigation exercises

You'll probably want to use Unsplashwiki link for this – excellent quality, large images which are totally free to use

There are some vector graphic making skills that are worth developing as well. Use these help guides:

PDF iconMaking a leaf in Illustrator

PDF iconMaking a moon using shapes

2 – Reading the client brief

PDF iconReading the client brief

This video shows a commercial printer at work.

The quality of printing done using a printer like this is much higher than a standard home printer (or anything we have at school). We say that it has a higher resolution. The ink nozzles are much finer, so we need to use print quality images – which means TIFF files at 300 pixels per inch.

There are two lists of tools the exam board uses to help mark your work. It's useful to think about tese when you're deciding which pieve of software to use.

PDF iconLists of standard and advanced tools

3 – Sourcing images

PDF iconSourcing images

You have to include at least ne image you've sourced from somewhere else. But the image(s) you use will need to be big enough and a high quality resolution (so, 300 pixels per inch).

There is a list of good places to source images from:

> Image sources to use

You may well find that images you use aren't 300ppi. It's possible to convert them:

PDF iconFinding image properties

PDF iconConverting to 300ppi

4 – Using vector graphics

Vector graphics are really useful because they are rescalable (they can be changed size really easily). But they're a little harder to work with.

PDF iconTask to complete

There are some problems downloading images from vector graphic sites, so I'll provide you with a zip file to download to get started with. You can try to get your own downloads if you want to.

ZIP iconAmplifier image ZIP files

You will need to follow the instructions to do this task:

PDF iconInstructions

Using ZIP files causes some issues. There's a guide on how to do this in general.

PDF iconExtracting ZIP files

5 Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights

You need to know about this so that you can include it in your portfolio.

PDF iconImages and legal issues

PDF iconIntellectual property rights

There are ways that you can deal with copyright problems.

PDF iconDealing with copyright issues

Question sheet:

PDF iconWorksheet

6 Metamoda: sourcing images task

You need to know how to source and record images.

PDF iconMetamoda client brief

Word iconImage recording sheet

There's a help guide to show you how to find out the image properties:

PDF iconFinding image properties

7 Infinite Cloud logo task

Creating a logo as a vector graphic.

PDF iconInfinite Cloud logo client brief

PDF iconDesign sketch questions

Some skills guides:

PDF iconConverting to 300ppi