That Blue Square Thing

Copyright Free Sounds

For copyright free sounds, try these:

If you need a login you'll need to sign up for one or ask me for a general purpose login. There's usually one on the wall of my classroom by my desk that anyone can use.

You might also use Ben Sound, but it comes with two health warnings. Firstly, everyone seems to use the same sounds! Seriously – my kids got fed up with hearing the same two or three music files on 8 out of 10 projects. So, maybe check the sound with me first. If it's one I've not heard much I'll let you use it.

Secondly the terms and conditions mean you can only use it for non-commercial projects (ones that no one would pay for) or for educational projects. You might need to cover the legal aspects of this in your assets table.

YouTube have released an audio library that you can download and use tracks from. But you have to be signed in to YouTube Studio – the bit where you upload and edit videos. So that's not something you can do in school – but it might be worth a look at home if you already host videos on YouTube.

If you're looking for text to speech websites there are occasionally decent ones out there, some better than others. Text2Speech is one that seems to work and allows downloads. It's OK to use it for school work but you'd need to include some detail in your assets table.

There are other good places to get copyright free material from that you might not be able to access at school. Ask if you need to and a teacher may be able to access them for you.

Video downloads

Downloading free video is tricky, but here are some decent places to start from.

Kapwing is an online video editing tool that might be helpful. If you have a Google account you can sign in to it. Otherwise you'll need to edit and export in one session.