Quiz Program – Part 2: adding to the quiz

Option 3 – More than one right answer

Sometimes you need to allow more than one correct answer to a question.

This is quite easy to do, but you need to be a little careful.

The key is to use the or command.

Code helper image
  1. Start by entering your question and getting an answer

    Don't forget to use .lower() to make checking the answer easier

  2. Then in the if line you have to add more than one correct answer using  or  to tell the program to accept the first answer OR the second answer
  3. You can add more correct answers if you want to. Just separate them with or each time
  4. Run your code to check that it works

You can do this with any type of question.

Of couse, this still relies on the user being able to spell piccadilly correctly. Which isn't super easy. It's one of the things that makes text answers much harder to code.