That Blue Square Thing

Syllabus content:

E-safety Comic Book (2024)

Planning and producing a comic book to inform an audience about e-safety.

This starts with some skills and getting a feel for comic books.

1 – Basic comic book styles

Take an image; edit it

PDF iconSlides from class – visual storytelling

PDF iconCreating a comic style image

You can use any of these images for this skill:

Image iconStudents on steps image – this is the best image to use

Image iconBatman image

Image iconWalkers image

2 – Text conventions

Adding word balloons etc...

PDF iconSlides from class – text conventions

PDF iconAdding word balloons

Use the same images, preferably one that's already been edited.

3 – Recap and revisit skills

This often needs a second go, especially tails on word balloons

PDF iconSlides from class – genres of comic book

PDF iconTasks slide

PDF iconText styles recap

4 – Combining images and using panels

This often needs a second go, especially tails on word balloons

PDF iconSlides from class – page layout conventions

PDF iconTasks slide

PDF iconCombing images instructions

PDF iconWorkflow slide

The two images to use are:

Image iconFire drill image

Image iconPiano image

And there's a set of panels:

Image iconPanels to use

Link to the old Think Click project